Marbury Villiage Hall Hire Charges from 01/04/2023
Day/Night Charges
£15 per hour (minimum of 3 hours hire)
£10 per hour for any hour after the first 3 hours
Meetings £30.00
Special rates can be negotiated for weddings/funerals/other special events with Committee members. There are also discounts for regular users of the hall.
Marbury Village Hall is here for the community and the committee welcome any new ideas for events/clubs/activities. If you have a suggestion or would like to organize something please contact a Committee member
NB. Charges for long term, regular hire is by arrangement with the VH Management Committee
To book the Hall please contact Penny Allington (‘see contacts’)
The hire charge must be paid at the time of booking. If booking by phone, the hire charge is due when booking is accepted. Cheques should be made payable to ‘Marbury Village Hall’. Any damage to the hall, loss or breakage of utensils and equipment must be reported to the Secretary or Treasurer. The cost of the repair or replacement will be charged to the hirer.
The Marbury VH Management Committee accepts no responsibility or liability for loss or damage sustained by persons hiring or using the hall.
Maximum attendance at any public function in the hall is 80 and organizers are responsible for keeping numbers within this limit.
Hire charges include electricity but hirers are asked to use the heaters responsibly. All appliances should be switched off at the end of the hire period and an extra charge will be made if heaters and lights are left on when the building is vacated.
The hirer needs to complete the ‘Marbury Village Hall Hire form’ (see under ‘Documentation’.